Workspaces 1 0 1 – Organize Your Work

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  1. Your Workspace Url
  2. Workspaces 1 0 1 – Organize Your Working

Best 0% APR Credit Cards. The physical workspace is the one we can see, touch, and taste, and smell. It's the art that hangs on the walls, the office floor plan, the demographics of the people. Clean your desk before you leave each day. Coming into a cluttered desk at the start of your work day can make you feel frazzled and overwhelmed. Prevent this from happening by tidying up and organizing your workspace before you leave each day. Organize your desk an hour before you leave. It's a neat blog for the garage and auto enthusiast, and I read it just because a lot of the ideas are also great for CNC'ers and machinists. In this case, the post was about how to organize your 1/4″ bits. You know, all those little goodies that you can pop into an impact driver or socket setup. One of the keys to successfully working at home — aside from self-discipline and a strong Wi-Fi connection — is having a comfortable, convenient workspace. And no, the couch doesn't count. Follow these six tips to create a home workspace that'll make you happier and more productive. Consider Your Work Needs.

Nowadays, working as a freelancer is trendy, as you can manage your workflow, time, and wages. Although freelancing seems to be a dream for most people, it might be hard to stay organized while working from home. Thus, you need to do your best to increase productivity.

These eight simple office organizing tricks will cut your de-clutter time down and help you gain focus, so that you can get more work out of your office hours (and leave at a normal time!). And yes, for all the people out there who have open seating plans (with no drawers, cubicle walls, or under-desk storage), these tips apply to you, too.

If you want to boost productivity while working from home, there is one thing you should do first: organize your workspace. In fact, a well-organized workspace can impact not only productivity, but creativity, concentration, and cleverness as well.
Do you want to know the best part? There are three simple steps you can take to organize your home office so you can get more accomplished. Scroll down to see the infographic about workspace organization by OmniPapers and try these …

3 Steps to Boost Your Productivity

Your Workspace Url

1. Organize Your Writing Desk

The key thing you need to remember is that your writing desk should be organized for the way your work. If you want to get rid of clutter you have on the table, learn how to declutter your desk once and for all.

Here are several ideas on how to organize the desk:

  • Contain papers, drafts, and notes in notebooks, binders, or file cabinets
  • Use boxes for utensils
  • Keep magazines/books on bookshelves or in baskets
  • Set up a proper lighting
  • Keep often-used gadgets close to you (a digital highlighter/smartpen)

Once you form a habit of cleaning up your desk daily, you can become more organized, focused, and able to get more tasks accomplished.

Is your workspace organized? Will it motivate you to work on your most important priorities? #remotework #workfromhome #productivity Click To Tweet

2. Organize Your Workspace

Obviously, your workspace is not only a writing desk, so take a look around your office. It should be a territory that inspires you to work on your most important priorities. Sometimes, people don't pay attention to their workspaces, but if you want to enjoy the working process, you may need to make some changes.

First of all, demark two zones: computer and non-computer ones.

  • A computer zone is for work, as it is a place where you have a writing desk with a computer. Freelance workers may complete tasks, write emails, and surf the Internet here.
  • A non-computer zone is for relaxing. Go to this zone when you want to take a break or boost inspiration. Display a quote or painting that inspires you, have books you like easily accessible and use mobile gadgets (a phone or a tablet) to keep working here (if you need to).

Don't hesitate to spend some time organizing your workspace, as it can boost spirits and increase productivity. As people say, 'Do what you love, love what you do.'

3. Take Care Of Your Health

No matter where you work, whether from home or an office, you need to stay healthy. Being a healthy person will likely allow you to achieve better results with your work. This includes eating healthy meals, taking breaks, and exercising. Unfortunately, people poison their health, even without knowing that.

If you want to stay healthy, add some comfort to your workspace:

  • Pick up a comfortable office chair that supports the lower back
  • Use mini elliptical trainers to do some physical exercises while working
  • Get live plants to clean the air
  • Stand up from time to time to reduce the risk of health diseases
  • Use a standing/sitting desk to change your position

Living in the digital era, you know the importance of modern gadgets. However, you need to remember to change the brightness level and the color temperature of your computer screen.
Take a look at your workspace. Are you ready to change it?

Is your workspace organized? Will it motivate you to work on your most important priorities? #remotework #workfromhome #productivity Click To Tweet

By Tricia Weil

Workspaces 1 0 1 – Organize Your Working

When just starting out, you don't always have the luxury of having 500 square feet of office space to work with. When choosing to rent office space, many chose location and affordability over size. Being organized in any size work space will make you happier, make your visiting clients feel more at ease and you will be more prepared. Hours and money can be wasted by having an unorganized workspace. Here are some easy tips to organize a small work space:
1. Schedule a time to get organized. Sounds crazy, but everything is on our smart phone calendars these days. So why wouldn't you schedule time in your day to get organized? As the owner or high-level employee of a small business, you're the executive and this is your executive suite. Make the time to ensure that when last minute pop-ins by client occur, you look the part. Schedule the time, because, if it's not on the calendar, it probably won't happen. Organizing your office may take a few afternoons, but if you make the time, it's more likely to get organized and to stay organized.
2. 'The Year Test'. The Small Business Administration estimates that 80% of what we keep we never use. Therefore, if you haven't used something in your work space in a year then get rid of it. Use document scanning software to scan important documents onto your computer and keep those important documents off-site or store them out of your work space area.
3. Hide your printer. Some desk drawers are large enough for a printer to fit in. This is a great hiding place for your printer and cuts down on surface space being taken up by bulky objects.
4. Think Vertically. More than not, you can't expand your floor space. Shelves are a smart addition to your work space. You can store files, office supplies and boxes on them without taking up floor or surface space. Adding magazine holders to on the shelves may be a great inexpensive alternative to filing cabinets.
5. No more sticky notes. Yes, they help us remember what we need to do and are convenient, but they take up space on your desk, wall, phone, computer screen or anywhere else you can put them. A better way to stay organized is hanging up a white board or be trendy with a chalk board on your wall. Several of our tenants here in our St. Louis office space love these adhesive chalk boards from Amazon. They provide space for creative brainstorming and are easily moved or taken down when the need arises.
6. Daily needs on desk. Do you need the extra large size rubber bands on a daily basis or that label-maker immediately? If not, put it in a drawer and only keep supplies on your desk that you use daily or that you need immediately.
7. Clean-up time. Go all the way back to grade school when you spend the last 15 or 20 minutes of the day cleaning up your toys. Use that structure with your work space. Take the last 10 or 15 minutes of the day to clean off your desk and tidy up your work space. This will make you more productive and an effective way to stay organized after all the work you just did organizing.
You can organize all different size work spaces. If you are looking for an office suite to clutter and then organize, we have spaces ranging from 110 to 225 square feet. If you just need a work space to keep you organized for a day, we have that too! Schedule a tour or book your space by contacting us today!

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